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Revealed: How Nigerian Women Do Prostitution In Dubai……



A journalist, Precious Igbonwelundu has narrated how her trip to Dubai, the commercial nerve of the United Arab Emirates, UAE revealed how Nigerian ladies with ‘big’ businesses back home thrive on ‘runs’ in the Islamic region.Dubai

Across big cities in Nigeria, Nigerian big babes dubbed ‘Asewo Dubai’ cruise around in flashy cars, own good businesses, blinking bank accounts, but as soon as they are back to Dubai, they engage in prostitution to keep their businesses afloat.

On the streets of Dubai, these ladies are the centre of attraction, they call the shots as far as prostitution is concerned in Dubai. They acquire two months visa to Dubai for no reason other than to indulge in commercial sex. With the help of syndicates, they secure accommodation in hotels and apartments.

It came as a shock to Precious, whose first time it was in Dubai. Having booked her accommodation online at the Africana Hotel, Deira, she was hopeful to have some quiet time.

Arriving the Dubai International Airport and seeing the Arabs all covered, with warnings prohibiting indecency, she thought: “At last, there is some decency here!” But she was soon to realize that beneath the cleanliness and splendor of the city lies a dirty trade, which even ‘Sheiks’ are said to patronize when no one is watching.

The moment this reporter stepped into the hotel she had reserved online, she saw an army of half-nude women, parading the premises. Shocked by the contrast, she quickly asked: “What’s going on here?” the reply from the smiling front desk person was: “they are from your country, Nigeria. They are our guests. See these ladies, they pair themselves in a room, some even stay three in a room. So, in case you want to save money, you can pair with any of them”.

But her response did not quench the reporter’s curiosity. It did not answer why half-nude Nigerian women, as early as 9am, were flaunting their bodies in front of the hotel with some black guys giving them signals.

At that moment, she made up her mind she was not going to stay in that hotel but would definitely visit the place at night for a better understanding of the puzzle. Having successfully checked into another hotel, with the help of an agent whose number she got from her friend who frequents Dubai, the reporter revisited the Africana Hotel.

The time was 11pm and the environment well lit, with a beehive of skimpy dressed ladies moving in and out of the hotel. Observing quietly, the reporter overheard some of the ladies, seated at the reception complaining how the business has gone sour.
One of the ladies said: “Things are not as easy as they used to be when I started this business. There were some weeks I made about $5,000 from these Arab and European men.

“But since more babes from Nigeria got into it, there are so many ‘runs girls’ in Dubai that for the past one month, I have not made up to $5,000.

“Worst still, some of my clients have suddenly changed and started demanding anal sex. I had a terrible experience recently with an European whom I met inside an elevator at a big hotel.

“We exchanged contacts after he paid $300 for a ‘blow job’ in the elevator. Then, subsequently, we met and had pizza and he offered $1,000 for sex in his apartment.

“I thought he was a decent guy until I got to his apartment. He threatened me with a knife to accept sex with me through the anus or he will kill me.

“I begged him to collect his money and let me go but the Oyinbo man refused and had his way. Imagine what I have denied most of my contacts, who would have even paid more for it, that stupid European got it by force and still he collected his money back.

“I am just tired of this business. Though I own a big boutique in Festac, it is through these ‘runs’ that I foot my bills because there is little profit in the boutique business.”

Another one, whom they called Jane while sympathizing with her friend, told the girls that Alhaja (her pimp) had earlier warned her not to carry money to her customer’s place.
“Alhaja warned me that these days, the men will sleep with you and still collect your money. So, since then, I usually drop any advance payment with her.

“I do not want a situation whereby one stupid man will collect the money I have laboured for. Any valuable thing I have, I usually drop them with Alhaja and she gives me back once I demand for them.

“So, my dear, learn from this experience and most times, it is better you tell the men ahead of time what you can do and what you cannot do,” said Jane.

Jane, who claimed she resigned from her place of work in Lagos where she served as a marketer, attributed her resignation to meagre salary.

“I graduated from the university two years ago and got a job where I was paid N20,000 per month. The hardship and frustration in Nigeria pushed me into prostitution and I have no regrets because I now have a better life. I own my own apartment, a car and a big saloon in Lagos,” she said.

Baffled by the revelations of the ladies, the reporter asked a travel agent how the women were able to practice open prostitution in a Muslim country.

Hear him: “Is there anything Nigerians cannot do? Most of these girls I know them in Nigeria. Some are rich and own big businesses, while some are students.

“They apply and acquire two months’ visa and with the help of travel agents and some big women, they get accommodation in hotels and even apartment. Then, those women who also have guys working for them usually link them up with men.

“Most of them register and submit their international passports to the women or their contact persons and every night; this is how they keep going about.

“It is very embarrassing that Nigerian ladies, including married women, come here for prostitution. That is how one of them saw me in Festac last year and she was hiding because she knows I know what she does in Dubai.
“Once a woman calls me that she wants two months’ visa, I just know that is what she is coming for and I turn them down. Some will say there is no job in Nigeria and they want to come and hustle.

“The painful aspect for me now is that this nonsense that they do has made it difficult for us to secure genuine visas for decent people. Also, most hotels have increased their rates, with some even refusing to give their rooms to single women coming to stay that long.
“If you go around this neighbourhood (Deira), you will see that these stupid girls even rent apartments, which they keep and pay for even while they are in Nigeria, yet they claim it is unemployment and poverty that led them into prostitution.
“It is a serious issue and I think the Federal Government needs to act on it urgently, if not, these girls will spread diseases in Nigeria, aside the bad image they are painting the country already,” said the travel agent.

Continuing, the agent narrated how one of the prostitutes approached a client of his who lodged in the hotel sometime in June.
“The girl just knocked on the door and when my client opened, she called her outside and was telling her to stop acting like a child. I just stood by the door and was listening to their conversation. She told my client that most of the men who have seen her want her to play by the game.

“But my client refused and told the lady that she was in Dubai for business and not prostitution and the girl, while insisting, said most of them own businesses in Nigeria and that they prostitute to cover their expenses.

“She even said that my client can make the money she will use to buy her goods in one night, meaning that she would not spend the money she came with or buy more things.

“I was so angry that I had to come out and warn the girl.

“Yet in this city, there are strict religious laws against prostitution. A western woman once got a month imprisonment for a peck on the cheek. The law in Dubai has clear rules that prostitution is illegal. If you are caught by the police, both you and the prostitute will be put into jail and wait for the sentence of the local court.

“If you are not a citizen, apart from the punishment of being sentenced by the court, you will be asked to leave the UAE and will not be allowed back in again.

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Rotary International District 9112 launches its coastal restoration initiative by planting 1,000 coconut trees in Lagos





In a bid to promote its mission of improving the environment, Rotary international District 9112 on Sunday kicked off an environment-saving intervention tagged: Coastal Restoration Initiative at Westside Beach, Okun, Ajah, Lagos, where 1000 coconut trees were planted along the coastal shores of the Atlantic Ocean.


Speaking at the event, the Governor of Rotary International, District 9112 Rotarian Femi Adenekan said the “initiative is conceived to save the environment as well as reduce the adverse effect of the climate change.”


According to him; “the environment is one of the main focus areas of Rotary International. We need to consciously come to the realization that we need to save our environment. We need to save ourselves. So that in the future, those that will come after us will have life.”

“People assume that the world belongs to them. They have forgotten that they are just tenants on the surface of the earth. If you try to change nature, nature will react, which is the reason we are having a lot of environmental damage in the world. Some of wrong human activities, such as throwing plastics and other items into water or where it ought not to be is causing us environmental challenges. If we don’t take care of our environment, the environment will react and take us out of the surface of the earth,” He said.



The chairman of the District 9112 Tree Planting Committee, Rtn. Gboyega Bada recommended the adoption of an “Every Rotarian Plant a Tree Every Year” policy and also indicated plans for Rotary International District 9112 to propose a Private Bill to the Lagos State House of Assembly to enable all Lagos Residents plant a tree every year for the next five years to address the challenges of climate change.


Rtn Bada stated that the vision of Rotary District 9112 on Tree Planting is to achieve a safer and cleaner environment by planting 10,000 seedlings of Coconut, Mango, Breadfruit, Avocado and other ralated crops that have economic, health and environmental benefits.


The event was well attended by Stakeholders in the Private and Public Sectors. Pan African Towers Ltd, Tolaram Group, Azeez Amida Foundation, Telenoetica Ltd, amongst others were well represented. Past District Governor Tunji Funsho led other Rotary Leaders to give their support. The DG’s wife Rtn Tayo Adenekan, the District Governor elect Rtn Lanre Adedoyin, General Manager of Lagos State Coconut Development Authority, Dapo Olakulehim and Lagos State Parks and Gardens Agency, Club Presidents and Rotarians from the 73 Clubs graced the occasion.



Also speaking at the event, one of the Guest Speakers, the world acclaimed horticulturist, Mr. Andrew Vale of Tolaram Group and The Lagos Free Zone, highlighted the importance of trees, saying; “planting trees improves air quality, reduces air pollution, and illnesses from air pollution. More so, plants produce oxygen and provide shelter, medicine, and many more.”


In his own special remarks, Chairman, LUFASI Park and DG Coconut Naija, Dr. Desmond Majekodunmi, said; “the basic fact about the environment is that whatever you sow, you shall reap. The environment will always treat you, the way you treat it.”


It is of note that the vision of District 9112 on tree planting for this year is to achieve a safer and cleaner environment through the planting of 10,000 seedlings of coconut, mango, breadfruit, avocado and other related crops that have economic, health and environmental benefits.


The event was witnessed and supported by main stakeholders in the industry, agencies and partners which included, Mr Dapo Olakulehin, General Manager, Lagos State Coconut Development Authority (LASCODA), Mr Andrew Vale of Tolaram Group, Channel Scott from Pan African Towers, Azeez Amida Foundation, Telenoetica, The Legend Lifeskills Foundation, Etam Avitat, Lagos State Parks and Gardens Agency (LASPARK) , presidents and members of various Rotary Clubs in District 9112 amongst others.


Rotary leaders who witnessed the event are PDG Tunji Funsho, PDG Kamoru Omotosho, PDG Omotunde Lawson amongst others.

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Ohanaeze President-General, Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu, Is Dead





The President-General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide, Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu is dead.


The Publicity Secretary of Ohanaeze Ndigbo, Dr Alex Ogbonnia confirmed the death to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Thursday in Enugu.


“Today is a bad day for Ndigbo. It’s true! Ahaeji aga Mba is gone.


“Ohaneze is yet to issue an official statement on the demise of our President General, Chief Iwuanyanwu, but he is gone.


Aged 82, Iwuanyanwu was elected the President General of the apex Igbo cultural organisation on April 20, 2023 following the sudden death of his predecessor, Prof George Obiozor.


An unconfirmed report said that the octogenarian died in the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Abuja on Thursday, July 25.


NAN reports that Iwuanyanwu is the second President General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo to die in office after his predecessor, Prof. George Obiozor, who also died in office.


Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu is a prominent Nigerian businessman, politician, and philanthropist known for his significant contributions to various sectors, particularly in the Igbo community

and beyond. (NAN)

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How Top Immigration Officer, Akomolafe Gbenga Michael, Was Arrested, Arraigned For Alleged Drug Trafficking





Few years after a top police officer, Abba Kyari, was arrested for alleged drug deals, another top uniform man, Akomolafe Gbenga Michael

has been arrested and charged for alleged drug trafficking.


Akomolafe, an Immigration officer serving at the Murtala Muhammad International Airport, Ikeja in Lagos was arraigned alongside three others before Justice Daniel Osiagor of the Federal High Court sitting in Lagos on a nine-count charge of alleged conspiracy, unlawful possession, import, and dealing in the prohibited substances.


He was specifically alleged to have been involved in trafficking eight kilograms of Methamphetamine and 7.60 kilograms of Cannabis Sativa, also known as marijuana.


Others arraigned on the alleged offences alongside the Immigration officer are; Babatunde Micheal Olufemi said to be a staff of the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Nwadozie Chris Amaechi, and Nwosu Chinedu Cyril.


The prosecutor, Abu Ibrahim, told the court that the four who belonged to a hard drug syndicate were arrested on May 21, 2024, while attempting to smuggle the prohibited substances out of the Murtala Muhammad International Airport Ikeja, Lagos.


Ibrahim also told the court that the four men conspired to commit the alleged crimes alongside the duo of Nwadozie Sunday and Echezona Nwosu, based in South Africa.


Specifically, the Immigration officer, Akomolafe was slammed with a six-count charge of conspiracy, unlawful import, unlawful possession, and trafficking in the banned substances while the trio of Olufemi said to be a staff of FAAN, Nwadozie, and Nwosu, was slammed with three counts of conspiracy and unlawful importation and possession of the banned drugs.


The prosecutor told the court that the alleged criminal act of the four men contravened sections 14 (b), 21 (2)(d), and 20 (1)(c) punishable under sections 11(b) and 20 (2)(b) of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency Act Cap. N30, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.


However, while the other three members of the gang pleaded guilty to the charges, the Immigration officer denied the offences and pleaded not guilty to all the counts of the charge.


Based on the not-guilty plea of the Immigration officer, his lawyer, Benson Ndakara, pleaded with the court to admit him to bail in the most liberal terms.


In his ruling, Justice Osiagor admitted Akomolafe to bail in the sum of N10 million with one surety.


The judge also ordered that the surety must be a civil servant of an assistant director cadre in the employment of Lagos State or the Federal Government.


The trial was then adjourned to November 7, 2024. Based on their guilty plea, the court convicted and sentenced the trio of Babatunde Micheal Olufemi, Nwadozie Chris Amaechi, and Nwosu Chinedu Cyril, to four years on each count. The sentence is to run concurrently.


The three convicts were also given the option of paying a fine of N2 million each on each count.


In a related development, The Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) has suspended Akomolafe over his alleged involvement in multiple drug trafficking offences and his arraignment before a Federal High Court in Lagos.


A press statement on Wednesday by the spokesperson of NIS, Kenneth Udo, said the suspension was imposed on the erring officer as the Service awaited the judgement

of the court for further action..

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