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How Green Space Recyling’s Yemi Megbope Allegedly Dupes Investor Of N42million




Being a sustainability adherent, Joshua Adegbola participated in a seminar organised by the Lagos Business School in 2019 with the hope that the platform would connect him with the right people and ultimately propel him into realising his lifelong ambition – owning a recycling plant.


During the seminar, he met Yemi Megbope, who was equally a recycling enthusiast, and thought his prayer had been answered.


Yemi Megbope.


After the exchange of ideas and an extensive conversation on recycling, Megbope offered Adegbola a stimulant – an invitation to her recycling plant in Ikorodu, Lagos.


“I paid a visit to her factory called Green Space Recycling Services Ltd. in Ikorodu in 2019 and was impressed by what I saw. I became so excited that I expressed my desire to set up something similar to hers,” Adegbola said.


The N34 million invoice Megbope sent to Adegbola


The PSP operator said he began making payments to Megbope in tranches but was forced to ask for a refund when he noticed a grey area in the agreement they had.


“When I started having doubts about all the things she told me, I took my money back from her. However, when she gave me assurances that my funds were safe, I started paying the money back to her in tranches,” Adegbola said.


“She said there was no problem and that I should reach out to her anytime I was ready.


“I asked her what it would cost me to set up a similar recycling centre, especially in the area of getting all necessary equipment needed for the business, and she said she would find out and get back to me.”


Adegbola said he reached out to Megbope in June 2020 when he felt he was ready to start the business.


“When I told her I was ready, she gave me a quotation of N29.2 million and a list of the equipment that would be transported to Nigeria from China once I made payment,” Adegbola said.

“When she gave me the list, I told her I personally didn’t have that kind of money but there were people that could borrow me.”


The moment Adegbola recommenced payment for the equipment he needed, the narrative changed.


“After paying a considerable amount out of the N29.2 million she said the equipment would cost me, she reached out to me and said the dollar exchange rate had changed and that I now had to pay N34 million,” Adegbola said


“I couldn’t go back at that point, so I had to make the additional payment she requested.


“In February 2021, I completed the payment after I was able to raise the money from friends.


“Mogbope told me my equipment would arrive Nigeria in March, 2021.


“For me to be able to clear the machines when they eventually arrive the Apapa port, she initially told me, it would cost N4.6 million. But later, she said it would cost me N6.6 million.


“At the end of the day, the entire amount I paid to Mogbope was N42,080,000 million. It was also agreed that the equipment I ordered would come in ‘two full containers.’”








Yemi Megbope


The goods did arrive the Apapa port in March, 2021, as Megbope promised. However, they did not come in ”two full containers” as promised and this sent an immediate signal to Adegbola that something was not right.


“When the goods arrived, I noticed they were scattered in six different containers,” the PSP operator said.


“I also saw that they loaded other peoples’ goods with mine in all six containers. I quickly sensed that the equipment she had ordered on my behalf was not even up to two containers and that was why she had them scattered in other people’s containers.”


Just like he had suspected, when the machines were brought out, Adegbola realised that they were not complete.


“Without wasting any further time, I decided to confront her about the incomplete machines that were delivered to me,” Adegbola said.


“This was when she said the money I paid her could not buy the whole equipment and that she only later decided to buy the most important ones I would be needing among them.


“She added that I should still be able to start my plant with the incomplete but key machines that were delivered to me. She even advised me to buy the missing ones locally.


“I became so sad because the equipment Megbope handed over to me were not worth N42 million. I also became quite depressed because I knew I had been defrauded.”




Adegbola told us that he decided to do an independent finding online to know the actual cost of the machine Megbope collected over N40 million for.


“Luckily for me, I came in contact with the actual Chinese company that Megbope purchased the equipment from and they sent me all relevant correspondents on the inquiry I made,” Adegbola said.


“I then requested for an invoice from the company, and when they sent it, the equipment she collected about $100,000 from me for – because as of then a dollar was still being exchanged for N430 – was less than $25,000!


“This meant that the actual cost of all the equipment was within the region of N15 million.


“How could she have collected almost triple the actual amount from me and still not deliver all the equipment I needed? I was really mad.”


“Despite making over N27 million off me, she still chose not to deliver the complete equipment. Is that not wickedness?”




Adegbola told our correspondent that he later scheduled a meeting with Megbope to allow both parties fashion out a solution on the matter.


“In the meeting, I told her my findings and the actual amount the Chinese company told me the equipment cost and she gave an excuse that she didn’t go to China herself,” Adegbola said.


“She also claimed she made the purchase through an intermediary.


“I then asked her, ‘You claimed to have used an intermediary, yet after swindling me this much, you still did not deliver all I requested for?’”


Adegbola said he insisted that Megbope get in touch with the intermediary so he could speak to him directly but she became evasive.


“I told her I paid for two containers so that my equipment wouldn’t get mixed up with those of others. It was clear she had my equipment scattered in different containers because of the fraud she wanted to perpetrate,” he said.






Adegbola said he had been asking Megbope to deliver the outstanding equipment since March, 2021, but she had continued to give him excuses.


In February, he got his lawyer to write her a demand letter.




First Demand Letter Adegbola Wrote to Megbope


“In February 2022, I got my lawyer to write her a letter demanding that she address my concern by making the other outstanding equipment available,” Adegbola said.


First Demand Letter Adegbola Wrote to Megbope


“Her lawyer wrote us back that the reason I did not get all the complete equipment was that there was ‘a mix up from China’. He also said they would be delivered soon. Till date, however, there has been no further response from them.


“I later asked her to pay me the equivalent of the outstanding equipment so that I could make the purchase on my own but she still did not respond.”


Adegbola said he wrote another letter to Megbope in September but still did not get any favourable response.


Message Between Agebola and Megbope


“She later sent me a series of WhatsApp messages to ask me where I would want her to deliver the items to. I sent the address to her and to her lawyer also,” Adegbola said.


“Till we speak, she still has not delivered them.”


Another Demand Letter Written in March


Adegbola said he had been getting messages from his creditors to repay the loans he collected from them between 2020 and 2021.


I don’t know why she doesn’t want me to flourish,” Adegbola said.


“The loan that I secured in order to pay her for the equipment has now risen to over N80 million because of the interest I am supposed to pay on it. It has continued to accumulate interest at a compounding rate.


“She has killed my business and I know she is after my life. One of the things that can throw a man into depression is debt, especially when it is an unserviceable debt.


“Every day, I wake up, go about my business and come back home to an ever-increasing debt, and this is because Megbope has decided to hold on to what could have brought forth the income I could have used in repaying the debt.


“It’s been over 20 months since I made the payment to her.”






Final Demand Notice Issued in October


Adegbola said he later reached out to a Chinese contact who also knew about the development.


What the Chinese contact revealed to me was disturbing,” Adegbola said.


“He told me that Megbope sold my equipment to another person. I also was able to establish that she paid around N15 million for the equipment and kept over N27 million for herself. Yet she did not supply all she was supposed to supply to me.


“I challenged her to bring out the list of equipment she ordered and the prices that were given to her by the manufacturers, but she never released the actual price list to me. She only sent me the total sum I was to pay.”


Adegbola said that apart from the N27 million fraud, Megbope had also refused to deliver essential machines like a rising tank, three screw loaders and one hot washing tank to him.


“It has been a tormenting journey. It is an episode that can make you lose your mind,” the PSP operator said.




When contacted Megbope for comments on the matter, she said her lawyer was already working with Adegbola’s lawyer to get the issue resolved.


“He already told a lawyer to write to me on the issue. I have also contacted mine and they are already exchanging correspondence,” Megbope said.


When she was further asked whether she would like to react to the allegation levelled against her, she said she preferred to allow her lawyer do his job.


“When lawyers are having conversations, it is always better to allow them do their job. At the end of the day, the legal route is like the ultimate [sic],” she said.


After the conversation Megbope had with our reporter, she again reached out to Adegbola in November 2022, promising to deliver the equipment in one week. But she failed again in making good the promise.



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Rotary International District 9112 launches its coastal restoration initiative by planting 1,000 coconut trees in Lagos





In a bid to promote its mission of improving the environment, Rotary international District 9112 on Sunday kicked off an environment-saving intervention tagged: Coastal Restoration Initiative at Westside Beach, Okun, Ajah, Lagos, where 1000 coconut trees were planted along the coastal shores of the Atlantic Ocean.


Speaking at the event, the Governor of Rotary International, District 9112 Rotarian Femi Adenekan said the “initiative is conceived to save the environment as well as reduce the adverse effect of the climate change.”


According to him; “the environment is one of the main focus areas of Rotary International. We need to consciously come to the realization that we need to save our environment. We need to save ourselves. So that in the future, those that will come after us will have life.”

“People assume that the world belongs to them. They have forgotten that they are just tenants on the surface of the earth. If you try to change nature, nature will react, which is the reason we are having a lot of environmental damage in the world. Some of wrong human activities, such as throwing plastics and other items into water or where it ought not to be is causing us environmental challenges. If we don’t take care of our environment, the environment will react and take us out of the surface of the earth,” He said.



The chairman of the District 9112 Tree Planting Committee, Rtn. Gboyega Bada recommended the adoption of an “Every Rotarian Plant a Tree Every Year” policy and also indicated plans for Rotary International District 9112 to propose a Private Bill to the Lagos State House of Assembly to enable all Lagos Residents plant a tree every year for the next five years to address the challenges of climate change.


Rtn Bada stated that the vision of Rotary District 9112 on Tree Planting is to achieve a safer and cleaner environment by planting 10,000 seedlings of Coconut, Mango, Breadfruit, Avocado and other ralated crops that have economic, health and environmental benefits.


The event was well attended by Stakeholders in the Private and Public Sectors. Pan African Towers Ltd, Tolaram Group, Azeez Amida Foundation, Telenoetica Ltd, amongst others were well represented. Past District Governor Tunji Funsho led other Rotary Leaders to give their support. The DG’s wife Rtn Tayo Adenekan, the District Governor elect Rtn Lanre Adedoyin, General Manager of Lagos State Coconut Development Authority, Dapo Olakulehim and Lagos State Parks and Gardens Agency, Club Presidents and Rotarians from the 73 Clubs graced the occasion.



Also speaking at the event, one of the Guest Speakers, the world acclaimed horticulturist, Mr. Andrew Vale of Tolaram Group and The Lagos Free Zone, highlighted the importance of trees, saying; “planting trees improves air quality, reduces air pollution, and illnesses from air pollution. More so, plants produce oxygen and provide shelter, medicine, and many more.”


In his own special remarks, Chairman, LUFASI Park and DG Coconut Naija, Dr. Desmond Majekodunmi, said; “the basic fact about the environment is that whatever you sow, you shall reap. The environment will always treat you, the way you treat it.”


It is of note that the vision of District 9112 on tree planting for this year is to achieve a safer and cleaner environment through the planting of 10,000 seedlings of coconut, mango, breadfruit, avocado and other related crops that have economic, health and environmental benefits.


The event was witnessed and supported by main stakeholders in the industry, agencies and partners which included, Mr Dapo Olakulehin, General Manager, Lagos State Coconut Development Authority (LASCODA), Mr Andrew Vale of Tolaram Group, Channel Scott from Pan African Towers, Azeez Amida Foundation, Telenoetica, The Legend Lifeskills Foundation, Etam Avitat, Lagos State Parks and Gardens Agency (LASPARK) , presidents and members of various Rotary Clubs in District 9112 amongst others.


Rotary leaders who witnessed the event are PDG Tunji Funsho, PDG Kamoru Omotosho, PDG Omotunde Lawson amongst others.

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Ohanaeze President-General, Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu, Is Dead





The President-General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide, Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu is dead.


The Publicity Secretary of Ohanaeze Ndigbo, Dr Alex Ogbonnia confirmed the death to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Thursday in Enugu.


“Today is a bad day for Ndigbo. It’s true! Ahaeji aga Mba is gone.


“Ohaneze is yet to issue an official statement on the demise of our President General, Chief Iwuanyanwu, but he is gone.


Aged 82, Iwuanyanwu was elected the President General of the apex Igbo cultural organisation on April 20, 2023 following the sudden death of his predecessor, Prof George Obiozor.


An unconfirmed report said that the octogenarian died in the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Abuja on Thursday, July 25.


NAN reports that Iwuanyanwu is the second President General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo to die in office after his predecessor, Prof. George Obiozor, who also died in office.


Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu is a prominent Nigerian businessman, politician, and philanthropist known for his significant contributions to various sectors, particularly in the Igbo community

and beyond. (NAN)

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How Top Immigration Officer, Akomolafe Gbenga Michael, Was Arrested, Arraigned For Alleged Drug Trafficking





Few years after a top police officer, Abba Kyari, was arrested for alleged drug deals, another top uniform man, Akomolafe Gbenga Michael

has been arrested and charged for alleged drug trafficking.


Akomolafe, an Immigration officer serving at the Murtala Muhammad International Airport, Ikeja in Lagos was arraigned alongside three others before Justice Daniel Osiagor of the Federal High Court sitting in Lagos on a nine-count charge of alleged conspiracy, unlawful possession, import, and dealing in the prohibited substances.


He was specifically alleged to have been involved in trafficking eight kilograms of Methamphetamine and 7.60 kilograms of Cannabis Sativa, also known as marijuana.


Others arraigned on the alleged offences alongside the Immigration officer are; Babatunde Micheal Olufemi said to be a staff of the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Nwadozie Chris Amaechi, and Nwosu Chinedu Cyril.


The prosecutor, Abu Ibrahim, told the court that the four who belonged to a hard drug syndicate were arrested on May 21, 2024, while attempting to smuggle the prohibited substances out of the Murtala Muhammad International Airport Ikeja, Lagos.


Ibrahim also told the court that the four men conspired to commit the alleged crimes alongside the duo of Nwadozie Sunday and Echezona Nwosu, based in South Africa.


Specifically, the Immigration officer, Akomolafe was slammed with a six-count charge of conspiracy, unlawful import, unlawful possession, and trafficking in the banned substances while the trio of Olufemi said to be a staff of FAAN, Nwadozie, and Nwosu, was slammed with three counts of conspiracy and unlawful importation and possession of the banned drugs.


The prosecutor told the court that the alleged criminal act of the four men contravened sections 14 (b), 21 (2)(d), and 20 (1)(c) punishable under sections 11(b) and 20 (2)(b) of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency Act Cap. N30, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.


However, while the other three members of the gang pleaded guilty to the charges, the Immigration officer denied the offences and pleaded not guilty to all the counts of the charge.


Based on the not-guilty plea of the Immigration officer, his lawyer, Benson Ndakara, pleaded with the court to admit him to bail in the most liberal terms.


In his ruling, Justice Osiagor admitted Akomolafe to bail in the sum of N10 million with one surety.


The judge also ordered that the surety must be a civil servant of an assistant director cadre in the employment of Lagos State or the Federal Government.


The trial was then adjourned to November 7, 2024. Based on their guilty plea, the court convicted and sentenced the trio of Babatunde Micheal Olufemi, Nwadozie Chris Amaechi, and Nwosu Chinedu Cyril, to four years on each count. The sentence is to run concurrently.


The three convicts were also given the option of paying a fine of N2 million each on each count.


In a related development, The Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) has suspended Akomolafe over his alleged involvement in multiple drug trafficking offences and his arraignment before a Federal High Court in Lagos.


A press statement on Wednesday by the spokesperson of NIS, Kenneth Udo, said the suspension was imposed on the erring officer as the Service awaited the judgement

of the court for further action..

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