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Dickson braved the waves to Southern Ijaw, as12,000 youths vow to end kidnapping, piracy
The November 11 to 13 tours of communities in Southern Ijaw Local Government Area afforded the Bayelsa State governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson an opportunity to further feel the pulse of the people and get first hand feed backfrom the communities. A significant part of the tour was the denouncing of kidnapping and piracy in the whole of the local government.
Speakers after speakers at the rally in Oporoma, the council headquarters were unanimous in praising the Countryman Governor for developing the state and restoring peace to the once volatile state. Prominent ex-agitators such as Pastor Reuben, and Joshua Makaiva said aside his developmental strides in Southern Ijaw, the governor has projected the dignity of the Ijaw nation. They declared; ‘‘Dickson is an embodiment of the Ijaw man, and based on his development stride, the crowning glory of which is the Anyama bridge, we have mobilized over 12, 000 youths, and we have resolved that as from today, there will be no kidnapping and piracy on the waters of Southern Ijaw. “
This came as news filtered in same Friday that the youth leader and 29 other APC members in Otuan ward in Southern Ijaw have defected to PDP.
In an interactive session with journalists, minutes before he rode on okada to the mega rally at Oporoma open field, Dickson said he deliberately chose to visit the communities for firsthand assessment to enable him assess their needs, and serve them better during his second term. .
His Words: “I am appreciative of the people of Southern Ijaw for coming out enmass to receive me and my entourage. I am also aware of their demands and I am committed towards addressing them, as well as complete all on-going projects in the state.”
He did not leave each community the same way he met it. At all the communities visited, the governor who was overwhelmingly received with gifts and chieftaincy titles, also reciprocated with either commissioning of projects, requests affirmed and promises made..
While almost all the communities got their prayers answered, others have his words especially in the areas of appointments and further infrastructural development. .
The success story is same from Olugbobiri on Wednesday to Koluama 2 through Korokorosei, to Peremabiri where he was decorated as The Peacemaker 1 of Pere Kingdom, Okpotuarri, Lobia 2 and Ekowe among others on Thursday. The campaign train continued at exactly 12.40pm from Opuama on Friday to Eniwari by 1. 45pm, Aguobiri – 2.40pm, Igeibiri in Terakiri clan at about 3.18pm, Oweikorogha (where he stopped briefly by 4.05pm) to Angiama then Oporoma at 5.49. .
Expectedly, like a well-rehearsed script, each community showered the governor with encomium after reeling out his government’s presence in their communities, and reeled out their demands. The governor in his usual style took on each demand and made his pronouncement. At the palace of HRH, N.S. Orianzi, the Ebinanaowei of Olodiama clan, Dickson who was decorated and presented with a sword, had in response to their numerous demands said, “Olugbobiri is my in-laws’ community. I have awarded contract for more inner roads. By the end of this month you will see the contractors as they will be mobilized to site.”
After hailing the governor for being miles ahead of his predecessors in the state in terms of infrastructure development, appointments of theirs sons and daughters into prominent positions, the community spokesperson, Col. Ronald Yeikorogha stated that their demands were, “third inner road, upgrading of the cottage hospital to a full-fledged health centre, more appointment position among others.”
In Koluama, the governor’s instant solution to their pathetic erosion story brought relief to the troubled community, They are one of the three APK (Apoi, Basan and Kaloama) communities who were once a clan that was almost washed off in 1952 disastrous erosion which has now separated them into three clan. While Apoi and Basan have since respectively gotten official recognitions as clans, Kaloama is not.
But Dickson came and made their day as the governor declared thus: “You have asked for a number of things. Kaloama is hereby recognized as a clan. All necessary process will be given express attention to enable you take your rightful place in the state. I will liaise with relevant agencies to tackle the situation and save this beautiful town.”
A prominent son of the town and former agitator for a better Niger Delta, Makaiva had earlier in his speech declared that, “We are one hundred percent PDP. There is no vacancy in the whole Kaloama. We have since 1999 remained wholly in PDP”
Dickson also commissioned a road project at Korokorosei, home town of the Speaker of the state house of assembly. At Opuama, their spokesman, Chief Okoko Stample said, “Since 1999, we have been PDP all through. We have resolved to vote you back for a second term. We believe in you as we are living witnesses to your lofty achievements in all sectors of the state”
He however lamented that in spite of their loyalty, they have no commissioner and top government functionaries.
one of the many highlights was at Peremabiri where HRH, King Progress Ebiseleghe Neverdie went philosophical, quoting Zachariah 7 vs 4 to buttress his points, just as he described Dickson as the David of our time, before his spokesperson dropped a 12-point requests from the countryman governor. Chief amongst them were facilitation of a Navy base, employment of 20 teachers to the primary schools in the area and provision of more infrastructure.
At Eniware, their needs are walkways, healthcare and traditional stool upgrade., while at Angiama 1000KVA generating set was approved for the community, just as the governor informed them that the state has remobilized the contractor handling the state turbine located at Imiringi, back to site.
In all the places visited, Dickson enjoined community, women and youth leaders not to give in to the temptations of violence before, during and after elections.
From the tour, one thing that stood out according to feelers from the communities visited, though Dickson operates with a Pan Nigerian outlook, yet the people see him as an Ijaw laeder who projects the interest of the Ijaw nation within the context of the national interest.
No wonder the Countryman Governor declared: ‘I have a duty to moderate and work with these people and earn their confidence for a stable Niger Delta, because without the stability of this region, there won’t be a stable Nigeria.”
For him, “The stability of Bayelsa is central to the stability of Niger Delta. And that will translate to the stability and unity of Nigeria, as anything to the contrary comes with great consequences to the world at large.”
Another respondent, Israel Richards at Oporoma said, “Dickson has no other choice that to play the role because he is a product of Ijaw movement. Having served in Ijaw National Congress, INC, as national legal adviser, Dickson, who is also the Adaka 2, is a progressive who hit the limelight as the Bayelsa State chairman and national legal adviser of the defunct Alliance for Democracy, AD.” Dickson’s stint with the AD was remarkable because he remained the only state chairman of the party outside the South West who delivered his senatorial district, Bayelsa West to the AD in all elections, culminating in the AD producing the senator, house of reps and state house of assembly members in the 1999 general elections. It was in recognition of Governor Dickson’s sterling performance that the AD apparatchik elevated him to the enviable position of Legal Adviser!
At Korokorosei, David Akari, a boat operator who hails from Eniware , recalled that Dickson as a man of peace, always remind his people, especially the militants, that ‘This is not a time to war war, but to jaw jaw, and build bridges of understanding across the country.’
It would be recalled that Governor Dickson, a grounded grassroots politician, with four others, had floated the Green Movement for Jonathan political evolution, with Dickson as the operational and strategic arrowhead, as he is known and well-respected by Bayelsans across board..
Governor Dickson comes with a bit of activism from the National Democratic Coalition Organisation, NADECO and AD. His prudent management of resources is readily attributed to the Ijebu blood running in his veins because his great grandmother is Princess Olubukola of the Fidipote ruling house, and daughter of a former Awuljale of Ijebu land. His pan Nigerianism was at work when he made the Shehu of Borno the Chancellor of the state owned university, Niger Delta University.
Apart from his zero tolerance for corruption, Dickson’s brand of politics is all about service, as he will readily remind you of his ancestors who were ancient rulers and warriors, and that any child from such background must always serve his people diligently.
Dickson, a Prince of Tarakiri is from Kpadia Ruling House, and his great grandfather was the first king from that kingdom.
He was born of Ijaw mother from Angiama in Delta State while his paternal grandmother hailed from Otor-Iyede in Isoko, also in Delta State.
Apart from having blood relatives in two major geo-political zones of the country, what makes Dickson a highly detribalized Nigerian is that, he is one of the few politicians in Nigeria that builds bridges across political parties, tribes and religions.

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N3bn Fraud Trial: Court permits Yahaya Bello’s accused nephew to travel abroad





The Federal High Court in Abuja has permitted an accused nephew of former Kogi State Governor Yahaya Bello to travel to the United Kingdom for medical attention.


To enable the defendant, Ali Bello, to embark on the foreign medical trip, the court ordered the release of his passport seized from him as part of his bail conditions.


Obiora Egwuatu, the trial judge, issued the order on Monday, overruling the objection of the prosecution agency, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), to grant the accused person’s request.


He said the prosecution failed to present convincing evidence to back its claim that Ali would jump bail or tamper with evidence if allowed to embark on the medical trip.


He said he had no reason to believe Ali would jump bail, having fulfilled previous undertakings to return to Nigeria to continue his trial on two separate occasions.


“Since the grant of bail, he has not breached the terms of bail and has been coming to court to stand his trial.


“It is not controverted that this court had on two previous occasions granted the applicant similar prayers.


“On those two occasions, that is, between the 1 to 31 August 2023 and 17 December 2023 and 10 January 2024, the applicant did not breach the terms of the permission granted,” the judge said.


Stressing the need to ensure a defendant is healthy to stand trial, the judge said, “I wholeheartedly subscribe to the view that a defendant should be alive to stand trial” and face the consequences of his crime if found guilty.


Mr Egwuatu ordered the court’s deputy chief registrar who keeps Ali’s passport to release it to him, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports.


He also ordered the defendant to return the passport on or before 15 September.


Series of charges relating to Kogi funds

Ali and three others are standing trial on money laundering charges involving N3 billion allegedly diverted from the Kogi State coffers during former Governor Bello’s tenure.


The three co-defendants in the case are Abba Adaudu, Yakubu Siyaka Adabenege and Iyadi Sadat.


The case is only one in a series of prosecutions the EFCC brought against Ali, Mr Bello and their associates over their alleged fraudulent handling of Kogi State Government’s funds.


Ali and a co-defendant, Dauda Sulaiman, are charged with money laundering in another case involving the alleged diversion of N10 billion of Kogi State’s funds. The case is before a different judge of the Federal High Court in Abuja, James Omotosho. The prosecution has already called seven witnesses in the trial.


Mr Bello, the former governor, faces money laundering charges involving an alleged diversion of Kogi State’s N80 billion in a separate case before Mr Omotosho. Both Ali and Mr Suleiman are named as accomplices in the case.


EFCC brought the charges against Mr Bello after completing his two terms of eight years as governor in January but has been unable to get him to court for arraignment.


Since April, Mr Bello has shunned six court sessions scheduled for his arraignment, which has now been rescheduled for 25 September.


Ali’s medical trip request

On 5 April, Ali filed an application in the trial before Mr Egwatu seeking an order to release his passport from the deputy chief registrar of the court to enable him to travel abroad for medical consultation and examination.


He said the trip was to fulfil a routine cardiologic follow-up to review his medication and undergo cardiac tests.


He said he received medical advice to undergo the process annually.


He also recalled that the judge had granted him similar permissions to embark on the foreign medical trip on two occasions – first between 1 and 31 August 2023 and second between 17 December 2023 and 10 January 2024.


He said he returned to Nigeria on both occasions and returned his passport to the court’s deputy chief registrar as he was ordered to.


He pleaded with the judge to order the release of his passport again, undertaking to return it to the official upon his return from the UK to Nigeria.


The defendant also gave an assurance to be law abiding in the UK.


EFCC opposes request

The EFCC opposed the application.


Arguing against the request in court, EFCC’s prosecuting counsel, Rotimi Oyedepo, a SAN, cited a five-paragraph counter-affidavit detailing reasons for the commission’s objection. An EFCC official, Abubakar Salihu Wara, swore to the facts in the document on 19 April.


Mr Oyedepo argued that Ali failed to place any medical report before the court to show the health condition that necessitated the medical appointment.


Mr Oyedepo said Exhibit ‘A’ attached to the application did not disclose the email address of the sender and the receiver of the said medical appointment.


He added that the applicant did not present anything to show that Exhibit ‘A’ emanated from the London Centre for Advanced Cardiology as claimed.


He argued that Ali might tamper with evidence gathered for his prosecution if his application is granted.


However, Ali filed a further affidavit to dispute the prosecution’s claims.



Apart from banking on the reputation Ali had earned by fulfilling his promises to return to Nigeria when granted the foreign trip permissions on two previous occasions, the judge also ruled that EFCC’s reasons for objecting to the request were not convincing.


Mr Egwatu held that EFCC failed to show that the name of the London hospital Ali planned to visit and its address “are not in existence”. He said there was no contrary evidence disputing the fact that the applicant “has a scheduled appointment with the said cardiologist.”


According to him, there was also no evidence presented by the EFCC to show that while Ali was on bail, he did or attempted to interfere with evidence or collude with any person to tamper with evidence.


The judge further said that a defendant ought to be healthy to stand the rigours of trial.


Former Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) governor Godwin Emefiele, facing multiple corruption trials, recently applied to the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, to seek medical attention in the UK, but the court rejected the request.


The judge in the case upheld EFCC’s objection, which was argued by Mr Oyedepo, the same prosecutor in Ali’s trial.





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Reps ask FG to suspend NMDPRA boss over anti-Dangote refinery comment





The House of Representatives has called on the Federal Government to suspend the Chief Executive Officer of the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority, Farouk Ahmed, pending the conclusion of the investigations of allegations against what it called the unguarded statement by the CEO.


The resolution of the House followed the adoption of a motion of urgent public importance sponsored by the member representing Esosa Federal Constituency, Edo State, Esosa Iyawe, during Tuesday’s plenary on the need to address issues arising from Farouk’s utterances about the nation’s local refineries.


The lawmaker reminded his colleagues that claims of adulterated fuel in the Nigerian market must be thoroughly investigated, stating that fuel quality can impact engine hardware.


This he said, is the reason ultra-low sulphur diesel is recommended for all types of power plants, storage tanks, industrial facilities, fleets and heavy equipment, and even ships, as high sulphur content in fuels, causes damage to engines and contributes to air pollution.


He said considering the various risks associated with sulphur, countries across the world have taken steps to regulate it by setting standards that require maximum reduction of emissions of this chemical compound, which diesel producers are expected to adhere to.


The Labour Party lawmaker, however, noted that the NMDPRA permits local refiners to produce diesel with Sulphur content of up to 650 parts per million until January 2025, as approved by the Economic Community of West African States.


He quoted the NMDPRA boss as saying that the diesel produced by the Dangote Refinery is inferior to the ones imported into the country and that their fuel had a large content of sulphur, which he put at between 650 to 1,200 ppm.



“In their defence, Dangote called for a test of their products, which was supervised by members of the House of Representatives, wherein it was revealed that Dangote’s diesel had a Sulphur content of 87.6 ppm (parts per million), whereas the other two samples diesel imported showed sulphur levels exceeding 1800 ppm and 2000 ppm respectively, thus disproving the allegations made by the NMDPRA boss.



“Allegations have been made that the NMDPRA was giving licences to some traders who regularly import high-sulphur content diesel into Nigeria, and the use of such products poses grave health risks and huge financial losses for Nigerians.


“The unguarded statements by the Chief Executive of the NMDPRA, which has since been disproved, sparked an outrage from Nigerians who tagged his undermining of local refineries and insistence on the continued importation of fuel an act of economic sabotage, as the imported products have been shown to contain high levels of dangerous compounds.”


He condemned what he called the careless statement by Farouk, noting that “Without conducting any prior investigation, he was not only unprofessional but also unpatriotic, especially in the face of the recent calls for protest against the Federal Government.”


Recall that a joint committee of the House on Monday, July 22, 2024, commenced investigations into Farouk’s allegations against Dangote Refinery.


The panel, made up of the Committees on Petroleum (Downstream and Midstream) is also conducting a legislative forensic investigation into “The presence of middlemen in crude trading and alleged unavailability of international standard laboratories to check adulterate

d products”, among others.




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Democrats Raise Over $40 Million Online Following Biden’s Presidential Race Exit




In a remarkable display of financial support, Democrats raised more than $40 million online following President Joe Biden’s announcement that he would be exiting the presidential race. This surge in donations, which occurred on Sunday, marked the most significant single day of online contributions for the Democratic Party since the 2020 election.

According to a New York Times analysis of ActBlue’s online contribution tracker, the wave of donations began shortly after President Biden’s withdrawal and coincided with Vice President Kamala Harris gaining momentum in the nomination race. Prior to Biden’s announcement, donations were averaging less than $200,000 per hour. However, within just one hour after the news broke, donations soared to $7.5 million.

The ActBlue platform processes contributions for various Democratic candidates and causes, not limited to Biden or Harris. It includes donations to Democratic House and Senate candidates as well as political nonprofits. The overall increase in donations highlights the unified support within the party during a pivotal moment.

Kenneth Pennington, a Democratic digital strategist, expressed his enthusiasm on X (formerly Twitter), stating, “This might be the greatest fundraising moment in Democratic Party history.” The previous record for single-day donations on ActBlue was set after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in September 2020, with approximately $73.5 million processed. Sunday’s donations, reaching over $50 million by the end of the day, made it one of the platform’s most successful days ever.

The influx of contributions comes at a critical time for the Democratic Party, which has been grappling with internal conflicts and a need to regain momentum in the race aga inst former President Donald J. Trump. Fundraising had significantly slowed among major Democratic donors following President Biden’s underwhelming debate performance, but his departure from the race seemed to galvanize the party’s base.

Biden’s exit and his endorsement of Vice President Harris appeared to unify Democratic supporters, resulting in a dramatic spike in contributions. As Harris builds momentum to secure the nomination, the financial backing will undoubtedly play a crucial role in her campaign.

President Biden’s withdrawal had been anticipated by many, although the timing came as a surprise. He announced his decision while recovering from Covid at his Delaware beach house. In a letter posted on X, Biden reflected on his presidency, calling it the “greatest honor of my life.” He emphasized that stepping down was in the best interest of the party and the country, allowing him to focus on his duties for the remainder of his term.

Biden’s endorsement of Harris was swift and unequivocal, with his campaign quickly rebranding to “Harris for President.” Prominent Democrats and potential rivals, including California Governor Gavin Newsom, promptly voiced their support for Harris.

The surge in donations following Biden’s exit signifies a critical juncture for the Democratic Party. With substantial financial resources now at their disposal, the party aims to leverage this momentum to overcome recent challenges and strengthen their position in the upcoming election.


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